Wednesday, June 17, 2009

That which doesn't kill you... may make you a zombie.

Mood : Death Cab For Cutie - I will Possess your Heart (did you come back up and check???)

My sleep schedule is destroyed. Nuclear. Thermo even... I woke up at 3am. I should start working the fun night shifts at work. Then I could wake up late AND hate life! Huzzah! I don't know why my sleep schedule is messed up. It does have some benefits though. I met someone that's arisen some familiar yet forgotten feelings in me, and it's kind of nice. I also have a best friend again. Things seem to be feeling a lot better. Of course I usually say that then my next post is like WTFOMFGEMOBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM. Anyhoo, we'll see what happens. As with these recent developments in my life, I'm trying to take things slow for once, instead of going all speed racer and rushingintoeverythinglikeafuckingspeeddemonnotslowingdownforanyoneoranything.


Moving on...

So, I'm in a pretty good mood right now. It could be due to waking up to someone I wanted to see online. It could be I actually got some rest. It could be some kind of fucked up sleep schedule induced psychosis. Lets hope for all three. Psychosis sounds like it could be fun. Psycho's usually get nifty superpowers like the ability to teleport, and to catch up to someone running at breakneck speed while you are walking like a snail. Also you get natural proficiency at a blunt or cutting tool of your own choosing. I wonder what I'd use... It'd need to be something original. OOOH Maybe a kaiser blade... What? You don't know what a kaiser blade is? Well then...

Shazam. The picture doesn't show good relative size, but it's like....4 feet long. Imagine having some crazy guy come at you with that? I'd shit. I also need to decide if I'd be the silent killer type (see: Jason, Micheal, etc.) or more of a comedic loudmouth type (Freddy, Chucky) I AM a bit of a smart ass, so the comedic type seems more my style. I couldn't see myself being a psycho villain without some witty one-liners...

Yeah, so I realized I was ranting on being a psycho killer, and though I have the ability and mental capacity to objectively talk about just about anything, I don't want the shrinks coming for me... again <.< >.>

Oh crap I forgot to put the song for my mood up there... I too lazy to scroll back up?
It seems so far.
Is it worth it?
Such a journey to make...
Such a step to take...
Cue Puff Daddy.

If you saw a song up there, then I guess you know what happened eh?

I'm feeling quite random. I guess it's the adhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhddddhhhddddhhddd having fun with me. Neurons overfiring...WOO! I enjoy ADD on occasion. Your mind kind of works like a search engine. You always get a few more results than you needed. Also, your mind links things together. Like pizza. I like pizza. Pizza is in the shape of a circle. Like a bulls-eye...or a target. I work at target. I stock the shelves and control inventory numbers. I was specialized to the market section for a while. We stock pizzas there.



Pizza theft. It's a global issue. Protect yourself. Don't share your pizza cutters with others.

That makes me think of something else quite random.

Ever been to pizza hut and see the big ass pizza cutter doohickey they use to slice the pizzas?

They use that at the food place in Target. They only make tiny little pan pizzas. I've always though it was a bit of overkill... Like going after a block of cheese with a katana... Oh shit... I have a katana and cheese... Well.. I guess I know what I'LL be doing soon...

Did you know Bush has a 100% Dodge Rating?

Epic Skills Indeed. He learned that when Dick Cheney taught him how to dodge questions.

And now for something...completely different.

I've been rambling for some time now, and though I'm not sure if any of it has a point, I feel like I said it all for a reason. No what happened happened and could not have happened any other way. The guy who said that was a wise dude, until his entire religious prophecy was revealed to be a lie. Sound like anything we know kids?

It's been hot as hell here lately. A lot of people don't understand that Mississippi is hot as the balls of a cactus, but it is. Humid as hell too. Your SWEAT will sweat here. Lemme check the lovely forecast.............100.....fucking 100......1 Zero ZERO. Shoot me now. I hate heat. You can put clothes on and bundle up when it's cold. You can only take off so much. I don't like feeling like I'm being baked when I get in my car to go home from work. It's gross, stuff sticks to you. It saps your energy and makes everyone cranky. Tomorrow will prolly be a cranky day at work. Guests come in cranky because of the heat, and I just want to slap them and scream "IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE HEAT WHY DID YOU GET UP OFF YOUR ASS TO COME HERE?!?!?!??!?!?!???!?!?!" Bah. It kills me. It could be raining fire outside, and people would still come to Target.

Anyways, that's enough rambling for now.

I will leave you with lyrics.

How I wish you could see the potential,
the potential of you and me.
It's like a book elegantly bound but,
in a language that you can't read.
Just yet.

You gotta spend some time, Love.
You gotta spend some time with me.
And I know that you'll find, love
I will possess your heart.
You gotta spend some time, Love.
You gotta spend some time with me.
And I know that you'll find, love
I will possess your heart.

There are days when outside your window
I see my reflection as I slowly pass,
and I long for this mirrored perspective
when we'll be lovers, lovers at last.

You gotta spend some time, Love.
You gotta spend some time with me.
And I know that you'll find, love
I will possess your heart.
You gotta spend some time, Love.
You gotta spend some time with me.
And I know that you'll find, love
I will possess your heart.
I will possess your heart.
I will possess your heart.

You reject my... advances... and desperate pleas...
I won't let you... let me down... so easily.So easily.

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